Friday, January 23, 2009

Ninja Glove Puppet Pattern

Free (and very cute!) ninja puppet pattern from Shirotokuro.

Shirotokuro is the essence of multi-culturalism: British plus Japanese!

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Kimono Lady Doll Pattern

Japanese Doll Pattern by Jennifer Gould Designs

Kimono Lady is just one of many cool doll patterns!

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Mexico: Vaquero Pantene Puppet

Texas State Library: Mexican Cowboy Puppet

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Montessori Mouth Puppet

Montessori World Mouth Puppets!

Instructions on how to design your own mouth puppets.

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Sew Simple Puppets

Free downloadable pattern!

Basic head and body with a variety of hair options and 12 changeable outfits: dress, nightgown, wizard's robe, baseball shirt and cap, basketball jersey, ballet tutu, jumper, sundress; uniforms for police officer, fire fighter, chef, and Santa.

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Rain Forest Paper Plate Puppet Patterns

Patterns and puppetry resources by Linda Brittain.

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Puppet Patterns- Ethnic People

Fun people, Bible and animal hand puppet patterns for sale.

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Monday, January 19, 2009

Afghan Tribal Arts

Afghan Tribal Arts imports directly from Afghanistan and the region. Huge inventory of handcarved semi-precious stone beads, textiles, carpets, clay, wood, metal and other ethnographic items.
Wholesaler, participates in bead shows around the Midwest and Southeast of the U.S., retail store on Etsy.
Fiber Focus articles on Afghan Tribal Arts:

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Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Rayela Art Molas

Click on the mola to see current Rayela Art molas on Etsy. Stock normally includes $9 molitas, a large selection of $30-$45 molas and a few more expensive ones.

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Mola Books on Amazon

Do you own or have you seen any of these? Give us your opinions or other suggestions by leaving a comment.

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Wounaan: Culture in Crisis Video

Good documentary about the Wounaan in Panama, their struggle to maintain their forests, the connection they make with ecology, handicrafts and sustainability. Shows some footage of their basket weaving. Spanish with English subtitles.

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Travel Channel on the Kuna People

The Travel Channel visits the Kuna and explores a bit of its social structure. Also, shows footage of women making molas.

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Kuna Yala Montage, San Blas Islands, Panama

Video of Kuna village life with quite a few shots of mola making. No narrative- set to flute playing.

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Monday, January 12, 2009

Postcards from Panama (from a quilter!)

"This is Ana Linda Alba, she is Rosa’s sister. Rosa wasn’t there the day I took these pictures. They share the duty of attending to the stall - I never know which one of them will be there when I show up. "

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A Dick Blick Paper Mola Lesson Plan

Children in grades 4 through 6 will find this activity fun and enlightening. From Dick Blick Art Materials!

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Sunday, January 11, 2009

Mola Lesson Plan: Grades 3-6

Princeton Online has three lesson plans using Kuna molas as inspiration for construction paper projects.

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Biblical Molas at Heart of Healing Gallery

Jesus on the Cross

Heart of Healing Gallery has a huge collection of Biblical molas and other high quality molas and mola blouses. Individual Kuna artists are given recognition.

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Panart: Dedicated to the Artisans of Panama

A Kuna woman who supplies Panart with molas.

From their site:

Indigenous Artisans of Panamá:
Emberá, Wounaan, Kuna, Ngobe-Bugle

Panamá has a diverse and culturally rich Indigenous population which accounts for approximately 8 percent of the total population.
Although threatened by environmental degradation of their lands and incursions by outside groups, the tribal people of Panamá have managed to preserve much of their culture and traditions. They are engaged in a ongoing struggle to have their homelands legally recognized and the boundaries respected.

Crafts for sale to outsiders have developed from the traditional material culture and now help maintain tribal identity as well as provide a supplemental means of support when people can no longer depend completely on a traditional lifestyle.

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Pattern for Bug Mola

Instructions and pattern by Charlotte Patera.

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Construction Paper Mola

Construction Paper Mola from Art Projects for Kids

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Mola Instructions by Thorup

Instructions on how to make a mola by Sherry Thorup.

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